Monday, April 7, 2014

6 Months!!

How in the world are you already half a year old?!? I can't believe you have been in our lives for 6 months already. You are by far the most beautiful child we have ever seen :-)

Weight - 19.7 lbs
Height - 26.5 inches
Diaper - Size 2

You are currently eating Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, Pears, Peaches and Bananas. You have tried Peas and Apples, but weren't a fan of those AT all. That kind of makes me sad since those are two of my favorites! You are still eating 5ozs of formula every 3 hours except at bed time. You usually take a little more right before bed so you can last through the night. Still no teeth even though you've been drooling and chewing on things since you were 2 months old.

You are sitting up like a champ. Just in the past week you have mastered sitting up on your own. You love to sit in the floor with toys in front of you. You get overzealous sometimes and go face first into the floor because you haven't quite figured out that you can put your weight on your hands/arms and crawl :-) 

We had a rough week last week with your sleeping at night. You woke up on average about 3 times a night. Mostly it was just so I could replace your paci (ugh not my ideal situation) and you would go right back to sleep. Some wake-ups you wanted to be fed! You wore your mommy out this past week, but last night you slept MUCH better. I only had to get up once at midnight to replace your paci and you slept the rest of the night until daddy woke you up at 5:45am in this morning. You still fight your naps. This drives mommy insane, but thankfully grammy has much more patience :-)

You still jabber a ton and it turns into screams or growls occasionally. Growling is your new thing to let us know you are getting bored or unhappy. You have also perfected "Mamamamama" when you are sleepy or upset. Why you choose to say "Mama" when unhappy is beyond me ;-)