Have I not done an 11 month post? Whoops! I hope I can remember everything :-)

Weight -? She sat on the scale the other day and it read 25lbs
Height -?
Diaper Size - 4
Clothes - We are having to move to 18 month tops and 24 month bottoms
Teeth: Still holding onto your two bottom teeth
You are doing great in the food department. You are starting to get away from baby food and want more and more "big" food. You love eating off of our plate and you get quite frustrated if we aren't feeding you what we are eating. You love when I heat up a bowl of frozen veggies. You gobble them down! So thankful you love the veggies. You also love turkey, ham, ground beef and brisket. You are hit or miss with the fruits. I honestly think it's a texture thing for you. You are taking less formula bottles now. We have almost moved you onto full cows milk. You haven't batted an eye! Now if we can just get you to drink it from your sippy cup instead of a bottle :-)
You are walking full time, and honestly most of the time you are running! You don't look where you are walking so you step on everything. If it's in your way you just bulldoze right through it. You have started dancing a little to Ellen.
You are still doing great at night with the sleep. Some nights you fret in your sleep, but you don't wake up. The naps are still hit or miss. I think you are just one of those kids that will always fight a nap and will stop taking them all together more quickly than other kids.
Your jabbing has REALLY gotten comical. You no longer jabber in one syllable. You just rattle on and on with different tones and syllables and sounds. It sounds like you have your own language. You have picked up hi, bye, ba-ba (bottle) bay (bear) and boo (book). We are still trying to get you to say Grammy or Unckie, but no luck.
I can't believe you are almost a year old. This first year has been a roller coaster with it's up and downs, but it's been so worth it and your daddy and I love you more and more each day. You have the best personality. You are so silly and sweet and also a bit stubborn and head strong. You definitely know what you want and sure try to get it! I can't wait to celebrate in a few weeks!