Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Months!

Ok baby girl, 5 months already?!? You have grown so much and I swear you do something new each day. You are such a joy in our lives!

*We don't have an official weight since we don't go to the doctor until next month, but if I were to    guess I'd say you weigh around 18lbs.

*You are taking 5ozs about every 3 hours and taking 6 ozs for your night time bottle.

*You have starting eating baby food!! So far you have tried Sweet Potatoes, Carrots and Pears. I'd say Carrots are your favorite so far, but you really do like everything so far. I plan on introducing you to bananas soon.

*You started having crib parties in the middle of the night. You wake up babbling and playing with your toes. I learned quickly that if I give you the paci you go right back to sleep, thank goodness! These parties lasted about 2 weeks.

*You also have been struggling with naps. You definitely like to fight them and only sleep about 30-45 minutes two or three times a day. I think you are just afraid you will miss something!

*You still love playing with your toes. I will lay you in the floor and you will entertain yourself by playing with your toes.

*Speaking of your toes, you giggle every time I grab one and do the "piggy" song. I love to hear you giggle. It's quite possibly the best sound on the earth.

*You've also discovered my hair. You LOVE to pull it and make mommy yelp.

*You also love my phone. Anytime I have it in my hands you want to play with it. You love trying to stick it in your mouth.

*You have also started LOVING books. You are mostly interested in turning the pages at this point, but I love that you are so interested.

*You have discovered that you can grab your paci when it's in your mouth and put it back in. Most times you put it in wrong, but you don't seem to mind.

*And the biggest thing that you started doing this past month was you FINALLY rolled over!!! You are now great at rolling from back to front. Now we just need to get you to roll from front to back and we will be golden :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I saw your comment on my blog about a schedule for baby. Would love to talk more. Email me at so I can respond. I couldn't respond to your comment for some reason. :-) look forward to talking more about it!
