Thursday, June 5, 2014

8 Months

Here we are, another month older. Only 4 months until your first birthday. I will cry like a baby when you turn 1, I just know it!

Weight - ?
Height - ?
Diaper Size - 3
Clothes - 9 month with shorts being 12 month

You love food!! You are eating oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and still eating mostly purees for lunch and dinner. We have tested out a few finger foods like strawberries and watermelon, pancakes and eggs. You also had your first taste of bacon and you LOVED it. You also really enjoyed chewing on a slice of cucumber. And puffs, oh lets not forget about puffs! Those things are like baby crack. You have cut yourself back to 4oz bottles every 3 or 4 hours and a 6oz bottle at bedtime.

You are now crawling!! You love to be on the move so crawling has definitely been a great thing for you. We have to watch you like a hawk because you want to explore every single nook and cranny in the house. You are also trying to pull up on the couch and you love it when we offer our hands for you to pull yourself up with. 

*sigh* I wish I could say that you were doing great in this department, but the truth is you have had a big sleep regression that seems to keep lasting. It started at 6 months, got a little better, then around 7 months your night sleep seemed to just steadily get worse. You now wake up twice a night to eat. I would love it more than anything if you knocked one of those feedings out. The pedi has told us that you shouldn't be needing any food in the middle of the night, but you always slam your bottle and fall back to sleep. It's really taking a toll on this mama though. We are going to have to figure something out soon! Your naps have improved a bit over the last week, but I'm sure they will change again. 
You are clearly saying mama and dada. Your uncle Kyle and Grammy swear one day you said "Un-key" twice. This is what you call uncle Kyle. You haven't done it since :-) Still lots of babbling and every time you see the birds or hear the birds you say "buh buh".
Your latest trick you have picked up is clapping. It's the CUTEST thing! You get so excited and are so proud of yourself. 
Your personality has really developed over the last month. You are so silly and love to laugh, but you also have a pretty stubborn streak. You definitely got that from your daddy!

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