Thursday, August 7, 2014

10 Months!

Weight -?
Height -?
Diaper Size - 3
Clothes - You are mostly in 12 month clothes.
Teeth: Still holding onto your two bottom teeth

Food is your best friend. You are still getting a 4 oz bottle about every 3 hours and one 7 oz bottle before bed. You are still eating 3 meals a day and typically do pretty good with the purees. I've noticed lately though that you are wanting more "big people" food. Anytime someone is eating, you think that they should share!

Baby girl, you have taken your first steps!!! It started off with two or three steps and now you are walking across Grammy's living room! It's a slow wobbly walk, but you are doing it and you are SO proud of yourself!

You have been sleeping great! I really shouldn't even mention this because I feel it will jinx us. You sleep all night now thank goodness. The only set back we have had is when you got your first yucky cold over the weekend. You woke up Saturday morning feeling awful with a runny nose and cough. Sleep at night was a bit rough, but I think you are finally starting to kick the cold and get back into your good sleep again. You are still taking about 2 naps a day which I am good with.

You have just recently started saying PawPaw and that makes your PawPaw soooo happy! You are roaring anytime you see a Tiger. You have also starting saying Moo for cow. I don't think you have added too many more words this past month, but you sure do know how to communicate what you want. When you think it's time for an afternoon snack you start jabbering to Grammy while you crawl into the kitchen. You also let us know when you are finished eating.
You are loving baths so much lately. You splash and play with your bath toys. You think it's so cool to put them in your cup and dump them out. You are starting to mimic so much of what we do. We love you so much and we love getting to know you better each day!

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