Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Birthday Party

Your first birthday fell on a Saturday so your first birthday party was also on your actual birthday! We celebrated at Barton Hill Farms. They have this cute little party area cut out of the corn maze. Very rustic and lots of shade by a big oak tree. I wanted to keep it simple and went with a pink and orange pumpkin theme. 

You loved your cake!!! You've had a few tastings of sweets, but never have you gotten to have something all to yourself. You got sooo excited when we set the cake down in front of you!

 Giving daddy kisses!
 You and bestie Emma checking each other out. You don't know it yet, but you girls are going to be best friends just like your mama's are :-)
 Family shot. Daddy, Mommy, Bubba and you! This was before the cake and you definitely look impatient.

One Year!!!

Whoops. I'm a tad bit behind on Hailey's updates :-)

Hailey turned one year old on October 4th. I still can't believe my baby girl is a one year old. I have a TODDLER! 

Weight -25.5 lbs
Height -31 inches
Diaper Size - 4
Clothes - 18-24 month tops and 24-2t bottoms
Teeth: Still holding onto your two bottom teeth, but I swear your top teeth are starting to move down.

You are still eating like a champ. You love to eat your veggies (peas, carrots, green beans) and you are eh about fruit. You definitely have texture issues like your mama, but you always find something you like. You really like cheese :-) We have moved away from the day time bottles and you are now only getting a morning and a night bottle. You love drinking your water out of your sippy cups or even PawPaw's big cup.

You have gotten much better with your balance and now look where you are walking. You've gotten awesome at side stepping things that are in your way.

You are still doing great at night with the sleep. Some nights you fret in your sleep, but you don't wake up. The naps are still hit or miss. I'm sure I will get a few pointers from Dr Casey at your one year appointment!

You finally said Unckie!! One once you said it, you won't stop :-) We are still working on Grammy. You pick up new words all of the time. So much so that I've lost count.
It's been such a wild ride for us this year. Lots of ups and downs, but SO many happy and my-heart-is-about-to-explode with love moments. You have filled our lives with so much love and joy. You made me a mom and have taught me so many life lessons in your short year here on earth. I love you with all my heart Hailey Grace!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hi Daddy!

"Hi Daddy!"

Your said your first sentence last night! Daddy was talking with the AC repair man and you wan't his attention really bad. I let you down, you toddled over to him, looked up with those big beautiful eyes and said "Hi Daddy"!! It was soooo cute.

11 Months!

Have I not done an 11 month post? Whoops! I hope I can remember everything :-)

Weight -? She sat on the scale the other day and it read 25lbs
Height -?
Diaper Size - 4
Clothes - We are having to move to 18 month tops and 24 month bottoms
Teeth: Still holding onto your two bottom teeth

You are doing great in the food department. You are starting to get away from baby food and want more and more "big" food. You love eating off of our plate and you get quite frustrated if we aren't feeding you what we are eating. You love when I heat up a bowl of frozen veggies. You gobble them down! So thankful you love the veggies. You also love turkey, ham, ground beef and brisket. You are hit or miss with the fruits. I honestly think it's a texture thing for you. You are taking less formula bottles now. We have almost moved you onto full cows milk. You haven't batted an eye! Now if we can just get you to drink it from your sippy cup instead of a bottle :-)

You are walking full time, and honestly most of the time you are running! You don't look where you are walking so you step on everything. If it's in your way you just bulldoze right through it. You have started dancing a little to Ellen.

You are still doing great at night with the sleep. Some nights you fret in your sleep, but you don't wake up. The naps are still hit or miss. I think you are just one of those kids that will always fight a nap and will stop taking them all together more quickly than other kids.

Your jabbing has REALLY gotten comical. You no longer jabber in one syllable. You just rattle on and on with different tones and syllables and sounds. It sounds like you have your own language. You have picked up hi, bye, ba-ba (bottle) bay (bear) and boo (book). We are still trying to get you to say Grammy or Unckie, but no luck.

I can't believe you are almost a year old. This first year has been a roller coaster with it's up and downs, but it's been so worth it and your daddy and I love you more and more each day. You have the best personality. You are so silly and sweet and also a bit stubborn and head strong. You definitely know what you want and sure try to get it! I can't wait to celebrate in a few weeks!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

10 Months!

Weight -?
Height -?
Diaper Size - 3
Clothes - You are mostly in 12 month clothes.
Teeth: Still holding onto your two bottom teeth

Food is your best friend. You are still getting a 4 oz bottle about every 3 hours and one 7 oz bottle before bed. You are still eating 3 meals a day and typically do pretty good with the purees. I've noticed lately though that you are wanting more "big people" food. Anytime someone is eating, you think that they should share!

Baby girl, you have taken your first steps!!! It started off with two or three steps and now you are walking across Grammy's living room! It's a slow wobbly walk, but you are doing it and you are SO proud of yourself!

You have been sleeping great! I really shouldn't even mention this because I feel it will jinx us. You sleep all night now thank goodness. The only set back we have had is when you got your first yucky cold over the weekend. You woke up Saturday morning feeling awful with a runny nose and cough. Sleep at night was a bit rough, but I think you are finally starting to kick the cold and get back into your good sleep again. You are still taking about 2 naps a day which I am good with.

You have just recently started saying PawPaw and that makes your PawPaw soooo happy! You are roaring anytime you see a Tiger. You have also starting saying Moo for cow. I don't think you have added too many more words this past month, but you sure do know how to communicate what you want. When you think it's time for an afternoon snack you start jabbering to Grammy while you crawl into the kitchen. You also let us know when you are finished eating.
You are loving baths so much lately. You splash and play with your bath toys. You think it's so cool to put them in your cup and dump them out. You are starting to mimic so much of what we do. We love you so much and we love getting to know you better each day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First Steps!!

Hailey took a total of 5 steps last night at my parents house!! She took 3 and then took 2 more. I don't think she had a clue that she did it. When we got home I tried to get her to do it again for Daddy, but she wasn't having it! I really think it was an accident, but we'll see if she does it again anytime soon!

Also, teething can bite my butt!! My poor baby has been trying to cut her top two teeth for over two weeks now. She's been in pain and not her usual silly self. Stupid teeth. Break through the skin already!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

9 Months

Here we are again! I know I say it every time, but I can't believe you are 9 months old!

Weight -22lbs 13ozs
Height -29.5 ins
Diaper Size - 3
Clothes - You are starting to move out of 9 months and into 12. 
You are so long that the 9 month outfits are getting too short!
Teeth: You finally have teeth! 2 to be exact!

You still love food!!You are wanting to eat more table food these days. You think you need a bite of whatever we are eating...at all times. I'm already having to sneak a chip in the other room so you won't want some too!! You still are eating oatmeal and fruit every morning, veggie and fruit at lunch and mostly veggies at night for dinner. Of course you get cheerios and crack puffs randomly during the day too :-) You are also doing great with your water in your sippy cup. I tried putting your milk in the sippy cup to which you took a drink, looked at me crazy, and spit it out! You are still drinking about 4ozs every 3 hours during the day.

You are crawling like you have been doing it your whole life. You are so FAST! You are also pulling up and standing on your own without holding on to anything. You still haven't figured out that you need to learn to take steps before you can just take off. I'm still amazed at how balanced you are. Dr. Casey says you will be walking soon!

I am SO happy to report that you are now sleeping through the night without a bottle!!! We (me, your dad and you) were finally ready to cut the middle of the night cord. I talked to Dr Casey at your 9 month appointment and she reassured me that you didn't need any food during the night. You were just waking up out of habit. That night I went home and Daddy and I talked about it and both decided it was time to let you cry. I was finally emotionally ready. We agreed that we would never let you scream or cry like you were in pain, but that fussing and a little crying would be ok. One thing Dr Casey told us that really stuck was "You have to train her, she can't train you". It's SO true, even though you have done a pretty good job at training us :-)

The first night we were geared up for an awful night. You woke up at 1am and stood in your crib and fussed and then yelled (yes, you yelled lol) for a total of about 15 minutes. Surprisingly it didn't seem that long and we did GREAT. I finally realized that you weren't crying out of pain or hunger, you were crying out of frustration of us not coming to get you like normal. After the 15 minutes of fussing and yelling, you sat back down in your crib and fell right over and went to sleep. You woke back up at 4am and fussed, but this time it only lasted about 2 minutes before you laid right back down and fell asleep until it was time to wake up for the day! We were SO relieved that the night went sooooo much better than we anticipated. We have done this for 3 nights now and each night gets easier and easier. The wake ups have been less and the fussing/crying has been shorter. You are doing SO great! I sure hope this continues, because our house is a much happier one these days. You are also getting better at naps. You don't fight them as hard and they are getting longer. 

Now that I've said all this, you will throw us for another curve ball ;-)

You have now added ball, Mag (for Maggie) and no no to your vocabulary! You still babble like crazy. You also are getting so good at understanding who/what we are talking about. I can ask where someone is and you look right at them. I can ask where the monkey is and you point to the monkey on your toy.

You love Lady, the stuffed animal at Grammy's house. Every time you see her you crawl as fast as you can and squeal with delight! Then you give her the biggest kisses. It's quite possibly the cutest thing EVER!

I can't believe we are already started to plan your 1st birthday. Less than 3 months and you will be 1!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

8 Months

Here we are, another month older. Only 4 months until your first birthday. I will cry like a baby when you turn 1, I just know it!

Weight - ?
Height - ?
Diaper Size - 3
Clothes - 9 month with shorts being 12 month

You love food!! You are eating oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and still eating mostly purees for lunch and dinner. We have tested out a few finger foods like strawberries and watermelon, pancakes and eggs. You also had your first taste of bacon and you LOVED it. You also really enjoyed chewing on a slice of cucumber. And puffs, oh lets not forget about puffs! Those things are like baby crack. You have cut yourself back to 4oz bottles every 3 or 4 hours and a 6oz bottle at bedtime.

You are now crawling!! You love to be on the move so crawling has definitely been a great thing for you. We have to watch you like a hawk because you want to explore every single nook and cranny in the house. You are also trying to pull up on the couch and you love it when we offer our hands for you to pull yourself up with. 

*sigh* I wish I could say that you were doing great in this department, but the truth is you have had a big sleep regression that seems to keep lasting. It started at 6 months, got a little better, then around 7 months your night sleep seemed to just steadily get worse. You now wake up twice a night to eat. I would love it more than anything if you knocked one of those feedings out. The pedi has told us that you shouldn't be needing any food in the middle of the night, but you always slam your bottle and fall back to sleep. It's really taking a toll on this mama though. We are going to have to figure something out soon! Your naps have improved a bit over the last week, but I'm sure they will change again. 
You are clearly saying mama and dada. Your uncle Kyle and Grammy swear one day you said "Un-key" twice. This is what you call uncle Kyle. You haven't done it since :-) Still lots of babbling and every time you see the birds or hear the birds you say "buh buh".
Your latest trick you have picked up is clapping. It's the CUTEST thing! You get so excited and are so proud of yourself. 
Your personality has really developed over the last month. You are so silly and love to laugh, but you also have a pretty stubborn streak. You definitely got that from your daddy!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Well, that hurt

Hailey and I were in a wreck on Wednesday. Definitely not my first wreck, but it was hers :-(

Thankfully we are both ok and so was everyone involved. A truck was trying to cross a highway at a dangerous spot and ended up going when it wasn't clear. He hit a woman who then ened up broadsiding me. I didn't even see it coming! All of the side air bags deployed which is why I'm so thankful Hailey rides in the middle of the backseat. Poor girl would have gotten hit by them too.

There is lots of damage to my car and we aren't sure if it will be totaled or not. I will say that after the wreck my faith in my Ford Explorer was confirmed. We were safe and the second the air bags deployed, the Sync feature called 911. Because of that we had EMS and cops dispatched to us in record timing. So, if anyone is looking for a new, safe vehicle, get an Explorer!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

7 Months

I feel like we just did your 6 month post. My goodness time is flying by!

Weight - ?
Height - ?
Diaper - Size 3

  You have now tried Mango, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans. I'm thinking Green Beans are now your favorite by far! You seem to really love your veggies which makes this mama very happy! You have also tried your first lemon. Of course you made a funny face, but you kept going back for more. You also did the same thing with sour pickles. A girl after my own heart!!

You still haven't figured out how to use your legs to crawl, but you are trying. You get very frustrated when you can't do it though. You are rolling all around the floor when you play and just recently you learned how to sit up from a lying down position. We've only seen you do it a hand full of times so we shall see if you keep it up.

It's gotten better thank goodness. It seemed like the whole 6 month was one big mess of sleep at night. You've finally realized that you can flip onto your tummy and sleep much more soundly. We had to lower your crib mattress since you also learned how to use the rail to sit up in bed. Last night you were fretting in your sleep and I went in to check on you and you had somehow managed to flip yourself completely around and had your head down at the foot of the bed. I didn't bother you and you slept like a rock the rest of the night. Your naps are getting a little better. Typically on the weekends your Daddy and I end up giving you a few ounces of formula and lay you in our bed. You just seem to sleep so soundly in there. Plus that gives one of us a chance to nap as well :-)
You still jabber a ton and it turns into screams or growls occasionally. I swear you are starting to say "Hi" and actually know what it means. 

We had to take you to your first doctor appointment for illness. We thought you may have had an ear infection, but turns out you didn't! Not sure if you are starting teething or what, but you were a very unhappy camper for a few days. I was glad to know you weren't sick, but at the same time it would have been nice to have an explanation for your fussiness.

You also attended your first wedding this past weekend. Your second cousin Melinda got married. I was pretty stressed out thinking about how you would do, but you had a great time! You were so happy and loved seeing all of the people there. Thankfully you have had no stranger danger and don't mind when others hold you or talk to you. You finally passed out for the night in my arms. I could have held you all night long. You aren't really a cuddler so it melted my heart for you to come and hold onto me and snuggle into my neck and fall asleep.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


We just celebrated Hailey's first Easter! I love all of her first holidays and I always dream about what the holiday next year will be like. We went over to my mom and dad's house on Easter Sunday for a lunch full of ham, mashed potatoes and rolls. I mean seriously, what else do you need?? Veggies?? Psh!

My mom put candy and money in eggs and had my brother "hide" them in the front yard. He didn't do much hiding, but then again the only hunters were Avery and Hailey. He carried Hailey around and let her hunt a few eggs.

Hailey was a tad grumpy that day, but she was able to take a good nap once I laid down with her on Grammy and Pawpaw's bed. I'd love to say I took a nap right along with her, but I didn't. I felt like every time I'd start dozing off, she would start stirring.

Can't wait until Easter 2015!! Hailey will be able to run around with cousin Avery hunting the eggs!

Monday, April 7, 2014

6 Months!!

How in the world are you already half a year old?!? I can't believe you have been in our lives for 6 months already. You are by far the most beautiful child we have ever seen :-)

Weight - 19.7 lbs
Height - 26.5 inches
Diaper - Size 2

You are currently eating Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, Pears, Peaches and Bananas. You have tried Peas and Apples, but weren't a fan of those AT all. That kind of makes me sad since those are two of my favorites! You are still eating 5ozs of formula every 3 hours except at bed time. You usually take a little more right before bed so you can last through the night. Still no teeth even though you've been drooling and chewing on things since you were 2 months old.

You are sitting up like a champ. Just in the past week you have mastered sitting up on your own. You love to sit in the floor with toys in front of you. You get overzealous sometimes and go face first into the floor because you haven't quite figured out that you can put your weight on your hands/arms and crawl :-) 

We had a rough week last week with your sleeping at night. You woke up on average about 3 times a night. Mostly it was just so I could replace your paci (ugh not my ideal situation) and you would go right back to sleep. Some wake-ups you wanted to be fed! You wore your mommy out this past week, but last night you slept MUCH better. I only had to get up once at midnight to replace your paci and you slept the rest of the night until daddy woke you up at 5:45am in this morning. You still fight your naps. This drives mommy insane, but thankfully grammy has much more patience :-)

You still jabber a ton and it turns into screams or growls occasionally. Growling is your new thing to let us know you are getting bored or unhappy. You have also perfected "Mamamamama" when you are sleepy or upset. Why you choose to say "Mama" when unhappy is beyond me ;-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Months!

Ok baby girl, 5 months already?!? You have grown so much and I swear you do something new each day. You are such a joy in our lives!

*We don't have an official weight since we don't go to the doctor until next month, but if I were to    guess I'd say you weigh around 18lbs.

*You are taking 5ozs about every 3 hours and taking 6 ozs for your night time bottle.

*You have starting eating baby food!! So far you have tried Sweet Potatoes, Carrots and Pears. I'd say Carrots are your favorite so far, but you really do like everything so far. I plan on introducing you to bananas soon.

*You started having crib parties in the middle of the night. You wake up babbling and playing with your toes. I learned quickly that if I give you the paci you go right back to sleep, thank goodness! These parties lasted about 2 weeks.

*You also have been struggling with naps. You definitely like to fight them and only sleep about 30-45 minutes two or three times a day. I think you are just afraid you will miss something!

*You still love playing with your toes. I will lay you in the floor and you will entertain yourself by playing with your toes.

*Speaking of your toes, you giggle every time I grab one and do the "piggy" song. I love to hear you giggle. It's quite possibly the best sound on the earth.

*You've also discovered my hair. You LOVE to pull it and make mommy yelp.

*You also love my phone. Anytime I have it in my hands you want to play with it. You love trying to stick it in your mouth.

*You have also started LOVING books. You are mostly interested in turning the pages at this point, but I love that you are so interested.

*You have discovered that you can grab your paci when it's in your mouth and put it back in. Most times you put it in wrong, but you don't seem to mind.

*And the biggest thing that you started doing this past month was you FINALLY rolled over!!! You are now great at rolling from back to front. Now we just need to get you to roll from front to back and we will be golden :-)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

4 Months

* You weighed in at 16 lbs 9ozs this morning and are now 26 inches long. You are super tall for your age! Looks like you will be tall like Daddy!

*You finally have upped your feeding. You are now taking 5ozs during the day and 6ozs for your last night time bottle.

*You are still sleeping great at night. Keeping my fingers crossed that this continues to happen!

*Naps are still random and you love to fight them. You now realize that the paci means nap time and you immediately spit it out.

*You are loving your exersaucer! You will jump and play for quite a while. You haven't rolled over yet, but you sure are trying. You'd rather scoot around the floor!

*No teeth yet, but you sure are drooling and chewing on EVERYTHING that you can grab. Your pour fingers will get blistered at this rate!

*We got the green light to start solids in a few weeks. We shall see! We will start with oatmeal and a little sweet potato mixed in and see how you like it.

*You blow raspberries like crazy now. You love to copy whatever noises or sounds we make with our mouth.

3 Months

Well, this post is a month late! Let me see what I can remember....

-You are weighing in at 13lbs and 23 inches long.
-You are eating 4ozs around every 3 hours.
-We transitioned you into your crib in your own room and you have been sleeping like a champ since! So have mom and dad :-)
-You have started really smiling and cooing. This is my favorite by far!